Slavoj makes a very valid point that any society influenced by capitalist activism (aka America) should listen to.

…which is America should stop trying to hurry and change things so quickly. Stop to think about actions. Think about everything.

We need to slow down. Why is everyone always rushing all the time? I understand we are all on a schedule and business moves fast. That’s problematic though. Intelligent decisions take a lot of thinking and a lot of thinking takes a lot of time.

The brain needs to be worked out like a muscle–before your job, before your bank account, before your resume. Skip class, work, obligations and so forth, to stop to read, learn, write, and see the world. Decisions can wait. Gratification can wait.

I’m not saying that’s the solution to America’s recent economic collapse, poverty, or the monopolization of big businesses. I’m just saying that I agree with Slavoj, that embracing the correlation between thought and taking time can possibly help in preventing careless and useless actions from being made–which create these problems in the first place.


