
Youth is Expensive





Slavoj makes a very valid point that any society influenced by capitalist activism (aka America) should listen to.

…which is America should stop trying to hurry and change things so quickly. Stop to think about actions. Think about everything.

We need to slow down. Why is everyone always rushing all the time? I understand we are all on a schedule and business moves fast. That’s problematic though. Intelligent decisions take a lot of thinking and a lot of thinking takes a lot of time.

The brain needs to be worked out like a muscle–before your job, before your bank account, before your resume. Skip class, work, obligations and so forth, to stop to read, learn, write, and see the world. Decisions can wait. Gratification can wait.

I’m not saying that’s the solution to America’s recent economic collapse, poverty, or the monopolization of big businesses. I’m just saying that I agree with Slavoj, that embracing the correlation between thought and taking time can possibly help in preventing careless and useless actions from being made–which create these problems in the first place.




Moving Up Together-A New Project

I am excited because I’ve created something I am proud of. 

It’s called “Moving up Together” a blog that allows anyone to post a picture and blurb about a failure they’ve experienced and how it has inspired them. 

The goal of the project is to remind participants  that they are not alone in their everyday mess-ups, but rather connected to others and empowered by them. And by observing how other participants have internalized their failures in a positive light, both participants and observers of the blog will hopefully be inspired to do the same.

Feel free to post when your ready. 




A Remedy to Boredom


The media. The Internet. It bombards us with a variety of information everyday—ranging from the newest world crisis to boobs.

To be honest, compared to the instant gratification that television and Internet provide, reality can be painfully slow and mundane.

But then I remember to stop thinking in terms of what is around me and instead, what isn’t.

And it occurs to me that every-time I remove myself from reality, I pull away from the chance of experiencing something new.

From potentially missing what is known as an “island in the sky.” While we be chilling in our rooms, giant sandstones, that have grown from the ground up to 10,000 feet, live above our heads.

As we walk to work or class, flowers that we have never seen before shift in the wind and unknown, colorful animals scurry on the mossy surface of a sandstone that is 1.8 billion years old.

So now whenever I feel stuck in reality’s predictability, I remember that somewhere, there is an island in the sky.

We may not be able to see the unknown, but it is still there. Ready to take our breath away.

See: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2013/09/130928-tepuis-pebble-toads-biodiversity-evolution-science/


“The Land of Gathering is a metaphysical space that everyone has the potential to reach in their own minds. It is a place free from the burden of objecthood and the notion of reality where all things are “completed”—similar to that world of possibility and wonderment naturally experienced through the eyes of a child. There, everything is a work of art with an innate potential for endless movement and altering—unity.”

I love this so much.

To Anyone Who Feels Less

Dear Anyone–who feels like they’ve been treated less than they deserve,

You are so much more than they can see because they are limited to only seeing so much. Their mind is narrow and unable to fit the dynamic person that is you.

I wish there was a way to make them see how special you are, so that they would stop hurting you. How your soul is made of stars, not cheap plastic that they can bend around.

They wipe the dirt off their faces with the souls of others like paper towels because they are too shallow and unfeeling to posses one of their own.

They suck.

And even though this person will never look your way, whether it be as a friend or more, be happy.

Because those who doesn’t recognize you’re special, don’t deserve your special attention.


A  friend.


I like beer now.

I’ve never been a big fan of beer. On Sunday, September 22nd 2013, this changed forever.

It all happened at Percival Beer Company’s launch party for its new brew, DOT Ale 1630.

A kind stranger opened a chilled bottle with his keys for me and I took a swig. Its light and smooth texture tickled in a pleasant way down my throat. Its flavor was refreshing and distinct. It landed gently and warmly in my stomach.

I put the beer to my lips and took another gulp. Then I spoke to its creator, Filipe E. Oliveira, head of the Percival Beer Company. Then, I realized that in order to understand the Percival Beer Company and why Dot Ale is one of a kind, a basic understanding of Dorchester, Boston (where Filipe is based), is mandatory.

Puritans from Dorset, England discovered Dorchester in 1630 as a source of business for railroads. It became annexed by Boston in 1870 and is now known as Dorchester (Dot for short). Today, it is incredibly diverse—home to people from a mixing pot of backgrounds ranging from Caribbean to Asian American.

While Dorchester has been known for its tumbledown houses and unsafe environment—it is deeply misunderstood. Artists are now using its historical and diverse streets as roots for creation. In the process, it is being imbued with new life and vitality.

One upcoming artist to do this is Filipe Oliveira, an artisanal brewer, who has managed to infuse the culture and history of Dorchester into his beer.

DOT Ale 1630, exemplifies this, as its flavor captures the new and upcoming essence of Dorchester, but also reflects the town’s history with its golden amber color and versatile ability to pair with any local Boston dish.

It is simple enough to be enjoyed by a beer newcomer; but, also unique and distinct enough to be appreciated by a foodie or anyone in between.

According to Filipe, the combination of his beers’ uniqueness and simultaneous adaptability to different people’s palates is what he wishes to contribute to this years 4th Annual Local Craft Brewfest.

It is no wonder that the Percival Beer Company has come a long way in a short amount of time. It opened in January of 2013 and has just been granted its distribution license in May. It is now 100% independent and Filipe is totally dedicated to utilizing his company in order to distribute crafty beer into the commercial world.

If he has moved this quickly in a matter of months, Filipe’s future in the beer world over the next year is incredibly promising.

Be sure to look for Filipe and the Percival Beer Company at the 4th Annual Local Craft Brewfest on October 12th .

For more information, check out his website here.



If you think you’re special, you’re probably not.

I don’t understand people who cannot place themselves in context with the world.

For example, those who are arrogant. Like, don’t they realize they are not that special?

Only because the world, hell, the universe is so big. There are so many people like them. With their accomplishments. Their looks. Their game. If anything, they are an upgrade or more ahead.

The most honest and real thing I feel we can do in this world is live, not thinking we own it, but that we are apart of it. And what ultimately differentiates you from everyone else isn’t how cool you think you are, it’s how UNIQUE you are. How confident you are in using the awesome personality traits you have in order to first and foremost better yourself and use them to happily live in as well as contribute to the world.

Those traits, talents, and looks you have. Boy, you better sit down. Because I’ve seen them before.

You’re soul though, that’s a different story. It’s always a different story.

Arrogance is always the same story. Eh, ew.
